(redirected from Profiles.Daniel)
Daniel Lusien is the administrator of this blog. He would scour over the pages and issue edits as necessary. Occasionally he'd write, but it's not his main job.
Is very shy, he only provided his contact as danielkuhn72
at gmx
dot com
for anyone interested enough to contact him.
You could find blog articles he wrote here:
30 May, 2022, at 10:00 AM WIB (1 comments)
A bit trivia, but it wasn't my first experience to use wiki for notetaking. The first wiki I tried was zim-wiki. It was more than sufficient back then, and it was a local wiki. I couldn't get it work in both Windows and Linux, so I use it mainly in Linux.
Even worse, I can't use it outside my computer, as I have to sync all the changes whenever I edit it somewhere else. It wasn't ideal for a long term solution. Exporting it to web pages was an option, but I couldn't edit it, I can only read the exported web pages.
Giving that a thought, after half a decade, I decided that it wasn't ideal to keep using zim. I need a solution that works practically everywhere, even if it requires internet connection. It must be synced easily, that I can access it even from my work computer, and have the edits continued at home.
And now, I have a vacant domain and a webhost. Why don't we start to embark in hosting a website? So I decided to start a website from scratch. It wasn't pretty. Read more...
17 May, 2021, at 10:21 PM WIB (0 comments)
Suppose, we want to download instagram posts from a profile, along with its stories, highlights, and IGTVs to our computer. All we got is our computer, an instagram account, and an active internet connection. Doing it manually would be tedious, so we have to find a semi-automated approach. So, what should we do? Read more...
17 May, 2021, at 09:56 PM WIB (0 comments)
Instaloader is a python tool to download from an instagram profile. The plus point of this tool compared to instalooter is that it can download instagram stories, highlights, IGTV, and tagged posts, instead of just posts of the target profile. Following through its documentations, I wrote three scripts: Read more...
15 May, 2021, at 10:03 PM WIB (0 comments)
I came across this interesting piece of command-line tool, called InstaLooter.
The usage itself is very easy, as described here.
All I have to do is to first install PyPI.
I installed pip3
, and then I proceeded with git
Following the instruction, I did:
04 May, 2021, at 05:03 PM WIB (0 comments)
Eksekusi kepailitan dilakukan salah satunya dengan melakukan penjualan di muka umum. Penjualan di muka umum yang dimaksud adalah melalui proses lelang. Karenanya, saya lampirkan di sini:
04 May, 2021, at 04:42 PM WIB (0 comments)
Untuk semua pihak yang mungkin berkepentingan, berikut saya lampirkan Keputusan Ketua Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor: 109/KMA/SK/IV/2020 tentang Pemberlakuan Buku Pedoman Penyelesaian Perkara Kepailitan Dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang. Buku ini adalah petunjuk teknis dalam lingkungan peradilan di bawah Mahkamah Agung, yang menguraikan rincian-rincian teknis mengenai tata cara dalam penyelesaian perkara kepailitan dan PKPU. Karenanya, untuk memudahkan diri saya sendiri, saya sengaja melampirkannya di sini. Read more...
29 April, 2021, at 02:46 PM WIB (0 comments)
Hukum waris menurut Burgerlijk Wetboek atau Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (selanjutnya disingkat sebagai KUH Perdata) diatur dalam Pasal 830 hingga Pasal 1130 KUH Perdata. Read more...
29 April, 2021, at 11:00 AM WIB (0 comments)
I just recently discovered The Gifted Graduation's website, that is aimed to promote the series. You can find it here. Read more...
26 April, 2021, at 02:22 PM WIB (0 comments)
Diadopsi dari catatan tertanggal 26 Agustus 2019.