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17 May, 2021, at 09:56 PM WIB by Hendrik in Uncategorized, Instagram, Linux (0 comments)

Instaloader is a python tool to download from an instagram profile. The plus point of this tool compared to instalooter is that it can download instagram stories, highlights, IGTV, and tagged posts, instead of just posts of the target profile. Following through its documentations, I wrote three scripts:

  1. For Stories

instaloader --dirname-pattern={profile} --filename-pattern=Stories/{date_utc:m-H-S} $1 --stories --no-profile-pic --no-posts --no-video-thumbnails -F --login=<myprofile>

To use it, suppose the script name is igs.sh, and <target> is the username we want to download, then we would do:

$./igs.sh <target>

What the script did is to take an argument as the target username, and --dirname-pattern={profile} would create a folder with the target's username as its folder name.
Then, with the --filename-pattern=Stories/{date_utc:m-H-S} argument, it would create a folder called "Stories" inside that target username.
The downloaded stories along with its metadata is stored inside that folder.
  1. For Highlights

instaloader --dirname-pattern={profile} --filename-pattern=Highlights/{date_utc:m-H-S} $1 --highlights --no-profile-pic --no-posts --no-video-thumbnails -F --login=<myprofile>

To use it, suppose the script name is igh.sh, and <target> is the username we want to download, then we would do:

$./igh.sh <target>

What the script did is to take an argument as the target username, and --dirname-pattern={profile} would create a folder with the target's username as its folder name.
Then, with the --filename-pattern=Highlights/{date_utc:m-H-S} argument, it would create a folder called "Highlights" inside that target username.
The downloaded highlights along with its metadata is stored inside that folder.
The only limitation is that I couldn't find a way for it to download individual highlights into separate folders.
And I was too lazy to work around it, so yes, it would dump all highlighted stories inside a single Highlight folder.
  1. For IGTV

instaloader --dirname-pattern={profile} --filename-pattern=IGTV/{date_utc:m-H-S} $1 --igtv --no-profile-pic --no-posts --no-video-thumbnails -F --login=<myprofile>

To use it, suppose the script name is igtv.sh, and <target> is the username we want to download, then we would do:

$./igtv.sh <target>

What the script did is to take an argument as the target username, and --dirname-pattern={profile} would create a folder with the target's username as its folder name.
Then, with the --filename-pattern=IGTV/{date_utc:m-H-S} argument, it would create a folder called "IGTV" inside that target username.
The downloaded IGTVs along with its metadata is stored inside that folder.

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