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How I set up this blog with pmwiki and b3

30 May, 2022, at 10:00 AM WIB by Hendrik in B3, Wiki, Webserver (1 comments)

A bit trivia, but it wasn't my first experience to use wiki for notetaking. The first wiki I tried was zim-wiki. It was more than sufficient back then, and it was a local wiki. I couldn't get it work in both Windows and Linux, so I use it mainly in Linux.

Even worse, I can't use it outside my computer, as I have to sync all the changes whenever I edit it somewhere else. It wasn't ideal for a long term solution. Exporting it to web pages was an option, but I couldn't edit it, I can only read the exported web pages.

Giving that a thought, after half a decade, I decided that it wasn't ideal to keep using zim. I need a solution that works practically everywhere, even if it requires internet connection. It must be synced easily, that I can access it even from my work computer, and have the edits continued at home.

And now, I have a vacant domain and a webhost. Why don't we start to embark in hosting a website? So I decided to start a website from scratch. It wasn't pretty. Read more...

Editing Page Actions

17 April, 2021, at 04:07 AM WIB by Hendrik in Uncategorized, B3, PmWiki (0 comments)

I had been annoyed with the layout of my main site, as it has too much page actions available by default. It presents to all available actions, except for logout button that would only appear while I am in an editing session or after entering any authorization type available at the time to execute certain actions. And it looks ugly on mobile. Read more...

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